viernes, diciembre 15, 2006

Cisco System presentation

Today, I had the oportunity to be present in a Cisco System presentation. The presentation was about VoIP solutions, of course with Cisco.

The presentation was very very interesting, more than I thought. After the presentation, The Cisco Staff made a demo using one server "Call Mannager", two ip-phones and two pc's. The demos show us the main servicies and of course, the posibilities which this tecnology offer are fantactics.

Before today, I belive the VoIP tecnology is the future and after I know the specific details I can say without errors that It's real.

Cisco began with this tecnology in 1999 more or less. Now the VoIP solutions is a real solution for the companies. The old analog voice solucion with could be installed in one company can be integrated in the VoIP network too.

miércoles, diciembre 13, 2006

My birthday

Hey people. I know I write nothing in my blog since a long time. The reason of this is because now my life is a little bit more boring than before.

Today is my birthday. Today I'm one year old guy. Oh! my Good!!.

My life now: Ok, actually I'm making work practice in the "Elpozo alimentacion S.A." but I've not still finished my carrier. I wish I 'm able to end the next february but to do this, I must stady more than the last weeks. hahahaha.

I want to say "thank" to each of my friend.
